Thursday, May 21, 2009

Austin, Texas

Well, it feels like it's been a while since I've posted on the blog.I've missed you. There was a lot of Texas and a lot of driving!

I have to say, Texas is not what I expected. I don't think I really had an expectation. I never thought alot about what it might be like. If you asked I probably would have said, dusty and big. Well, it is big but there's alot more to it than dust. East and Central Texas, which is where I spent my time, are gorgeous.
My second stop in Texas, after good ole Vidor was Austin. All I can say is "Wow". It was beautiful.

I didn't spend very much time in Austin but what I did experience was great. The people were wonderful and so was the landscape. There were hills and mountains surrounded by lakes. LBJ is from Austin so of course we had Lady Bird Lake and there was the beautiful Lake Austin. My first day I was told to go to the lake and check it out. There were hiking/biking trails up to 10 miles long surrounding the lake. The landscape and the scenery were great. It was on the edge of town so there was an easy walk to some of the popular local spots. Austin is filled with cafes,coffee shops, music clubs and great restaurants. I noticed, more than other places I've been lately,lots of spas and wellness centers,too. It is the capital of Texas and a University town, like Boston, and had that feel. There was a vibrancy to it; a distinct energy and vibration filtering through.

People young and old were out biking/hiking and jogging on the trails.I took a 6 mile hike around the lake and met a wonderful couple. I stopped on a bridge where she was looking out at the lake. I looked down and saw she was looking at all the turtles (lots of turtles on this trip).They were everywhere, sunbathing.As some of you know I love to find the meaning behind an animal that crosses my path (animal medicine). I looked up turtle and want to share some of the things I read:

One of the lessons of Turtle is to slow down. Turtle, who lives a very long time and who has been on earth longer than any other vertebrate animal, has all the time in the world.

Because turtle carries his home on his back and withdraws for protection, this can remind us that we carry within ourselves our own protection(hmm, that quiet whisper of God,inside?).

It is also a reminder of the importance of going within not just for protection but to contemplate, to decide what our next direction will be.

Because Turtle moves so slowly it has the time to appreciate all of her creations.

So like turtle, when we take the time that is always there, when we move more slowly along our own paths we can enjoy the journey.

(I always get what I need and turtle medicine was no exception).

Back to the lovely couple.
I asked her a couple of questions about the trail and we got to talking. Her husband showed up a few minutes later and I got to hear their journey to Austin. It seems alot of people are from someplace else and land in Austin.I am always amazed and delighted at how willing people are to share their story. I feel like I take a little adventure with each one. I get to hear some of what makes them who they are. They go from black and white to living color right before my eyes. This was an older couple, animated and positive in all they talked about. As a matter of fact they had even been through Anthony Robbin's "Be Your Highest Self University" or whatever it's called, though that's not how they met. They had been married 6 years. I said "so I guess this isn't a first marriage" and she said, in her matter-of-fact way, "Oh no! This is my 5th and his 3rd". I chuckled and felt so much love toward her just for the way she said it. It made everything just seem like "okay that's the way it is and who cares."

Needless to say my journey with them ended after a delightful walk and lots of stories. I left a little richer for the experience and ready to check out what was next.
And guess what? It was Kayaking!!
YUP, I rented a Kayak and took it out on old Lady Bird Lake.You know how much I miss my kayak. This one wasn't my beauty but she did the trick. I even saw a snake in the water and didn't flinch (I think I was cured of my fear after New Orleans). It was a GREAT afternoon and Early that evening I drove up to Mount Bonnell to see the city view and it was spectacular. Boaters everywhere on the lake,waiting, like me, for sunset. I spent the next afternoon at an outdoor cafe by the water just journaling and people watching. I wasn't really into the tourist scene in Austin. This time I was content to be one among.

San Antonio adventures coming up soon!

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