Tuesday, June 2, 2009

San Antonio..last stop in Texas

Well here it is,San Antonio, my last official stop in Texas. I stayed with some wonderful people. I met them through work and we had become friendly over the phone. Over the years she had invited me to stay with her and when I knew I was taking the trip we made a plan.
The ride from Austin happened in the blink of an eye. It took about an hour and a half and I took my time. Again, the landscape was not what I expected; hills, streams and flowering trees interspersed with ranches and flat land. As you know by now I really enjoy seeing how different the landscape is from place to place even within the same state.
Lori, my host, was there to greet me and welcome me into her home. She set me up in their guest house which was more like a log home. The main house was designed in French Country,inside and out, and was like something out of a magazine. After I got unpacked, I was invited to have dinner with the family. When I explained what I did with my food (which some of you know could raise an eyebrow)she chuckled at what 3 teenagers might think (her 3 kids). She thought it would be entertaining since they give her a hard time about things she does. Let's just say I braced myself for the adventure! The kids were really great. We had a wonderful dinner and lots of laughs, mostly about how worried they were that their mother invited someone she'd never met to stay with them and how relieved they were when they realized I wasn't a serial killer. We soon discovered that we had all been secretly worried that the other didn't watch American Idol and it was the final week. What a bonding session! No worries for any of us, we all sat like faithful idol fans hanging on everything Simon said. I even voted with them!

I saw alot of San Antonio and like Austin, there was a beautiful lake and lots of mountains and trees mixed with humongous flowering cactus.From what I understand, Hill Country (which is where I was and I am guessing Austin is part of it too) is an enigma in Texas which is generally flat.

Lori wanted to take me to a popular tourist spot and her favorite place in "Hill Country" called Fredericksburg. Immigrants, mostly German settled there back in the 1800's. The town has a lot of German style restaurants and pubs. There is an area, like Plymouth Plantation, where volunteers still dress in the immigrant clothing and you can see the authentic lifestyle of the original settlers. There are also beautiful boutiques, restaurants and bed and breakfasts lining the area. She said it's a romantic get-away for couples.

I also went to Alamo and we all know what that's about. Well, I didn't really know the story so I went through and watched the video to get a better understanding of all of it. Even after watching the film I still couldn't quite figure out who the actual bad guys were or who should have had the rights to what.What I do know is those 200 men who stayed to fight for Texas knowing there was no way they would live through it were incredible and in the end, Texas is Texas and freely part of the US, not Spain or Mexico, so there it is.
Right across the street was an entrance to the "River Walk". For all you couples out there, I'd recommend it.
River walk is a boardwalk that borders both sides of the San Antonio River. It goes right through the area and there are shops, restaurants and street musicians up and down this beautiful, active area. It's a nice place to sit and have a meal or just sit and watch all the people (one of my favorite activities) and there's so much to see. They had little boat cruises giving tours so I hopped on one and it was a great way to see the whole walk and get a little history of the buildings. I really loved it. I even saw a little albino duck.

I think one of the many lessons I'm learning on this life-changing journey is how to receive, gracefully. I 've mentioned before how generous people are with their homes, even if I've just met through someone else or over the phone. What is really amazing to me is every stop I make I am so grateful to even be staying that I am shocked when they offer more or invite me to participate in their family activities and won't accept my offers to reciprocate...They don't realize what a gift they are already giving me by sharing themselves and who they are. I always feel so welcomed and part of their everyday lives. That is always the best part of any of my journey. So, I am slowly starting to take it in, accept it, relish the experiences and say, "Thank You".

Okay so Texas was "huge" which I really discovered on my way OUT! The 13 hour trip to Taos, New Mexico (where I am and have been for a bit) was long but UNBELIEVABLE...more to come and soon!!!!

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